Install for free

Find database problems before they cause downtime

Install CrystalDBA in your terminal—free, ready in under 2 minutes, and 100% safe with read-only access. Get AI-powered insights for slow queries, indexing, and performance tuning—all through a simple chat.

pipx install crystaldba

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Use Cases

What Can Crystal DBA Help You With?

Launch Crystal DBA in your terminal and get instant AI-powered support for any PostgreSQL database and get insights and recommendations immediately:

Diagnose problems

Optimize Performance

Build software faster

Looking for more?

Meet Your Full-Time Crystal DBA Teammate

Unlock the full potential with deeper analysis, historical insights, and scalable solutions:


See insights based on historical trends and system metrics.

Monitoring &

Track multiple databases, receive daily performance reports, and analyze incidents.


Get recommendations to balance performance and spending.


Work seamlessly within Slack or Teams and resolve issues collaboratively.